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Soul Art changes lives…
The Soul Art Certification is an online training program that guides you to liberate your unique creative expression and teaches you how to guide others using the Soul Art® processes.
About Laura Hollick
Laura Hollick is the creator of the Soul Art® Certification. She is an Award-winning Artist and Visionary Guide. She studied at the Dundas Valley School of Art, and has a Fine Arts Degree from McMaster University.
Laura’s art and insights inspire people are the world with her own art and globlal art events like International Soul Art Day, Yoni Art Fest, nü Icon, and the Global Vision Quest.
BRAVO TV created a documentary about Laüra’s art and life called ‘The Artist’s Life – Laura Hollick.’ She has hosted and produced over 500 radio shows for 93.3 FM CFMU called ‘The Artist’s Lifestyle.’ Laüra recently gave a TEDx talk called “You are the Art.”